From historical figures such as Moses and Demosthenes, to political champions such as King George VI and President Joe Biden, to entertainment celebrities such as Samuel Jackson and Emily Blunt, stuttering has afflicted many people all over the world from all walks of life (about 3 million Americans and 70 million people worldwide). Its causes, symptoms, and occurrences are so varied and unpredictable that a complete cure still evades us even millenniums later.
The plethora of stuttering therapy programs in the market today, from traditional speech therapy to intensive stuttering treatment bootcamps, all have their strengths and limitations. In addition, there are also ex-PWS’s such as John Harrison (author of the book Redefining Stuttering) and Ruth Mead (author of the book Speech Is A River) that have overcome their stuttering and became completely fluent. Yet there exists no systematic, step-by-step approach that details how they, or others who have similarly recovered, accomplished the impossible deed of coming back from the other side.
This is exactly the goal of Silverfluent: to present a systematic, replicable approach that any PWS can follow to overcome their stuttering, achieve fluency, and develop the social skills to excel in professional and social situations. Its coaching program is based on the latest research in neuroscience and social psychology and has helped 100+ PWS's around the world find their voices and say anything they want anytime anywhere. Unlike most treatment methods that ask you to passively watch videos or do exercises in the therapy room, our methods take a more proactive approach and focus on coaching you in real-world speaking situations in real time.
It is our sincere belief and hope that by diligently practicing the method detailed in this program, you will be able to eliminate your speech disfluency and develop the silver tongue that you so rightly desire and deserve. Don't just be fluent; be silverfluent.
The founder of Silverfluent, Dong Liu has stuttered severely for almost 35 years and developed this program to successfully overcome his stuttering and achieve fluency permanently. In creating this method, he studied through most of the stuttering resources and treatment programs in the market today to identify their common patterns and unique strengths. He has also worked as a social dynamics coach for more than 10 years, helping fluent people develop their social and conversational skills.
Dong Liu graduated from Stanford University in 2010 with a Bachelors and Masters in Communication, and from UC Berkeley Haas in 2022 with a Masters in Business Administration. He currently resides in San Francisco, California.
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